We officially have a high schooler in the house!! (technically starting as a sophomore by credits
) I’m combining this 8th grade graduation and his birthday post since these photos represent both.
At almost 14, he is this super fun balance between young man and little boy. Well, mostly fun anyway. 😉 We love him and the man we are watching him become! We are so proud of all of his accomplishments over the past three years and how he does it all with kindness and respect. I am soaking up every minute and cheering him on, while trying hard not to cry thinking about how quickly I know the next 4 years will fly by! Send tissues!
He set some pretty hefty goals during middle school and worked hard to accomplish them despite moving schools/districts, then starting in a new program in 7th, virtual learning through COVID last spring, online summer classes, and back to school with COVID changes. He made it happen, so today we are celebrating his dedication, self motivation, and success!
We love you to the moon and back! Go easy on your Momma, its a tough to watch your first baby hit these big milestones. Thanks for always making it a fun adventure.
XOXO, Mom (can I still say Momma without embarrassing you?)